April 28, 2015

Gonvarri Steel Services celebrates the World Day for Safety and Health at Work

Madrid, April 28th, 2015. On the World Safety Day, Gonvarri Steel Services has undertaken several initiatives in its facilities to raise awareness of the important role that prevention has in our work in terms of health and safety.

The campaign has consisted of an internal photographic competition among the facilities worldwide, where over than 700 workers have been the main protagonists proposing more than 2000 photographs related to safety and health at work. The photos have obtained a total number of 10.000 votes.

Having into account the ten rules, the company encourages and promotes safe and healthy behaviors involving all employees.

According to Josu Calvo, CEO in GSS: “In Gonvarri Steel Services people are the most important asset and we consider safety and health as a priority area in the strategy of the company”.

About Gonvarri Steel Services

Gonvarri Steel Industries (www.gonvarri.com), is a leading European industrial group in steel service centers and renewable energy components. In 2014, it has shown again all its dynamism by buying two companies: Çepas, in Turkey, and CENO, in Colombia, and by opening two manufacturing plants in Brazil, one in 2014 South Africa and other one in China. Its EBIDTA grew by 16% to 177 million Euros in 2014.


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